The '885 Civic Club meets regularly the first Wednesday night of the month at 6:30 pm with the meeting starting at around 7pm. Most meetings are kept short. Meetings usually end between 8 and 9pm. Most meetings begin with socializing and snacks, with each member bringing a dish to pass or some type of desert.
In the beginning Sequoit Lodge #827 of Antioch found a need to raise funds for the payment of taxes for the Building where the lodge is located, 885 Main st. To help the community (885 Civic Club was started by a group of Masons along with spouces) with projects such as raising / repairs of saw mills etc. Fundraisers done by 885 Civic Club were a part of helping payment of taxes.
The 885 Civic Club is a 11-501 General Non profit Organization and is registered as such with the State of Illinois.
In the 1970's a summer picnic was begun for children that were handicapped or physically disabled. This was held at the home of Jim and Jane Larson, bussed in from various schools. The Larsons lived on Woodbine where the public beach area of Chanel Lake is located. Such things as BBQ, drinks and desert, face painting, Fire Department Trucks, Police Cars, games. Presents were given to each child as the returned to school. Some with the more severe disabilities were bussed in along with their therapists for the day. The party usually began early lasting until about 2pm, most having to go back to school.
The picnic grew beyond the size of being able to have it at the Larson's (2 acre) residence. Windy City Amusements was contacted and the Mothers Day Carnival today came into existence. To this day Windy City Amusements maintains a dedication to 885 Civic Club . This is to date our only source of income for the 885 Civic Club for our yearly expenditures to the community charitable organizations, support of community activities such as Monthly donations to Open Arms Mission, Antioch Traveling Closet (817 Holbeck Drive - behind Fire Dep) See posting. Antioch Youth Sports, Antioch Police Cadets, Firefighters Association, Scholarships to Antioch and Lakes High School, Backpack for Kids,
The size of the club has shrunk from the original members down to just enough people to keep the club going (just over 12).